In the automotive industry, a variety of elaborately processed materials (e.g., metals, plastics, glasses, electronic components) are used. The quality assurance of individual components as well as the combination of different components in a part, represents a technological challenge that can only be effectively managed with appropriate analytical support. Typical surface-analytical questions result from the following issues:
- process disturbances in coatings manufacturing
- adhesion problems of adhesive bonds
- failure of servomotors
- corrosion processes
- outgassing or discoloration of plastics
- deposits on components of the injection system
- ...
In addition, automotive surface analysis often deals with analytical issues:
- characterization of glasses
- structure of metallic coatings
- studies on tribology
- analysis of lubricants
- analysis of lighting devices
- optimization of measuring sensors
- composition of plastics
- ...

Examples of applications
Analysis techniques
Get in touch. Contact one of our analytical professionals:
+49 251 596890-10